Calendar Exports Now Available at Lobster

At Lobster we try to listen carefully to our customers to find out what makes their work easier. Today we are happy to present a feature that many of you have been asking for: the calendar export. 

We know it sounds like a small thing, but when you are actively planning many future meetings, it sure makes your life easier.

How does the calendar export work then? 

You can now export any Lobster action to your own or shared company calendar at a push of a button. The export contains naturally the time and the location of the meeting as well as the names and emails of the relevant stakeholders and your colleagues, who are responsible for the meeting.

Note that the export does not send out calendar invitations, but once the entry is in your own calendar, you can edit it any way you like.

With the Lobster link in your calendar, all relevant information is quickly accessible, even on the road. Check the background information your team has provided for the meeting, recap the stakeholder bio or latest tweets – and share quick notes with your team after the meeting. While these may seem like small things, the ripple effects of small things can really make a big difference.


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