Let’s find the right solution for your needs

1000-3000€ /month

Typical Lobster’s monthly price ranges from 1000€ to 3000€ (excluding VAT). The price depends on the amount of resources your organisation has for lobbying, and is mostly based on your annual budget for lobbying and the size of your team. Typical Lobster customers have a lobbying team from 5 to 30 people.

What’s included?

All Lobster installations include:

  • Unlimited number of users
  • Stakeholder & organisation data for key policy makers
  • Tools to manage multiple lobbying projects
  • Political monitoring for social media, news, parliament activity and legislative process
  • Reports
  • GDPR Audit tools
  • Integrations to your existing tools, including Slack, Teams, calendar, single-sign on


We also do discounts for non-profits with limited resources, so don’t hesitate to contact us to discuss your organisation’s needs.


See Lobster in Action

Learn how our customers have made their advocacy work more effective and how Lobster can benefit your team.
Schedule a 30 minute online demo from below or email us at  info@lobster.ist.