The recent project goals release also includes many improvements to the user interface. Many of these improvements make it much faster and easier to update information in Lobster, while some improve or add new functionality. The biggest change is that starting from this release we aim to provide a way to edit most information directly from where the information is.
Tab changes

We’ve reviewed and updated tabs for all objects. There are now less tabs than before and information has been organised in a more clear way. All the same information is still accessible and there are some supporting views still available that are not displayed as dedicated tabs.
Mobile Lobster
Content on most views has been carefully reconsidered for use on small screens. While on desktop you get rich display with plenty of related information on all tabs now on a mobile phone you’ll only get the relevant information per screen. On a tablet sized screen you can switch between rich info on landscape or focused information on portrait view just by rotating the device.
Editing long text fields
Most long text fields are now edited right where they are shown. Just click edit on the top right hand corner, make changes and hit save.
Managing stakeholders for a project
When you click the add stakeholders button on the stakeholders tab of a project a view for choosing stakeholders will open. This allows you to search and quickly pick many stakeholders to add in one go. It even allows you to add all stakeholders in the search result on one click, mostly useful for adding everybody in one organisation or tag in one go.

Connections between other objects

For example adding a stakeholder to an action can now also be done directly on the stakeholder view. Just click add new in actions and pick an action or create new one. It’s also possible to remove existing connections by hovering the mouse cursor over a view, a trash bin symbol will then appear allowing you removing the connection. The same logic now works on most connections between two different Lobster objects.
That covers all the major improvements. There are quite a few smaller changes all over the user interface as well. Many more improvements will be released out in the near future.