Recently we integrated Twitter to Lobster as it is an important platform for political conversation. With the help of Lobster, it is now easier to keep an eye on both stakeholders and topics that are relevant to your work.

Lobster tracks the tweets of the 6000+ political stakeholders in our master data as well as any stakeholder your team has added to Lobster. On your dashboard, we’ve narrowed them down to the tweets that are most relevant to you: the latest from the stakeholders and organisations in your Lobster projects. And if you dig a bit deeper, you’ll find that each theme, project, organisation and stakeholder profile has a filtered listing of tweets relevant to that particular instance.
While at it, we built a powerful search that combs through the tweets of all the Lobster stakeholders and organisations or just the ones in your projects. Just type in an interesting topic and see how the political field is reacting to it.
We also wanted to make sure you don’t miss any relevant future Twitter discussions, so now you can save any of your searches for following. We highly recommend doing this with your organization’s name and any other relevant keywords. Once those surface in a stakeholders tweet, we’ll notify you and you can join the conversation while it’s fresh.